There Is Little Hope Of A Pro-Western Government After The Dust Clears In Egypt

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As I write this, the internet is shut down in Egypt, so there is very limited information available on what is going on there.  There is, however, some good perspective from people who have studied the country for years. 

Yesterday, Caroline Glick posted an opinion piece in the Jerusalem Post on the situtation in Egypt.  She points out that Mohamed El Baradei is participating in the anti-government demonstrations (although at one point he was under house arrest), and is seen as the 'presidential hopeful' amid the chaos.  Mohamed El Baradei was the man who looked the other way as Iran developed its nuclear program.  He is not a moderate Muslim. 

Ms. Glick points out:

"His actions won him the support of the Iranian regime which he continues to defend. Just last week he dismissed the threat of a nuclear armed Iran, telling the Austrian News Agency, "There's a lot of hype in this debate," and asserting that the discredited 2007 US National Intelligence Estimate that claimed Iran abandoned its nuclear weapons program in 2003 remains accurate.

"Elbaradei's support for the Iranian ayatollahs is matched by his support for the Muslim Brotherhood."

The Muslim Brotherhood is an international group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Case in 2004.  The documents uncovered in that case revealed that the .
agenda to be carried out by these groups in the United States in reality had little to do with the organizations' publicly-proclaimed goals, such as protecting the civil rights of Muslims. Rather, the true goal is to destroy the United States from the inside and work to establish a global Islamist society.

John Waage at CBN News posted an article yesterday stating that:

"Egypt's next leader might be inclined to embrace Hamas and press harder for an end to Israel's naval embargo of the Gaza Strip.

"The Egyptian populace is solidly anti-American and anti-Israel. One political party wants to abrogate Egypt's 1977 peace treaty with Israel. The next leader may need to play to those sentiments to solidify power.

"Also, if freer and fairer elections take place there, they could well produce a similar result as the Palestinian elections in 2006, when the citizens handily elected Hamas."

Meanwhile, the peace accord struck between Israel and Egypt that resulted in Israel's giving up the Sinai Peninsula also paved the way for America to arm Egypt to the teeth. 

Ms. Glick reminds us:

"Owing to that US (military) aid, the Egyptian military today makes the military Israel barely defeated in 1973 look like a gang of cavemen. Egypt has nearly 300 F-16s. Its main battle tank is the M1A1 which it produces in Egypt. Its navy is the largest in the region. Its army is twice the size of the IDF. Its air defense force constitutes a massive threat to the IAF. And of course, the ballistic missiles and chemical weapons it has purchased from the likes of North Korea and China give it a significant stand-off massdestruction capability."

I am not sure there is a good outcome to the protests in Egypt.  The current leadership does not support freedom, but the potential new leadership will not support freedom either and will be more dangerous to the supporters of freedom around the world.  At some point the world is going to have to take a really good look at the goal of some of the militant Muslims to set up a world-wide caliphate. The countries who support freedom will have to decide how to unify against that goal.  I don't think we are there yet.  I am not even sure we are truly aware of the problem.

To look at the documents presented in the Holy Land Foundation Case that detailed the intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood, you can go to, the website of the United States Justice Department.

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