Going The Backdoor Route To A Palestinian State

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On Monday, CNS News reported that the Palestinian foreign minister says he will seek United Nations recognition for a Palestinian state in September.  Chile announced Sunday that it would recognize Palestine as a state.  It is the fifth South American country to do so.

The article reports:

"While a majority for Palestine in the General Assembly seems possible, recognition by the Security Council -- whose decisions are legally binding -- would likely face an American veto.

"The September target date has the month shaping up to be a crucial one for the Palestinians. It also marks the time frame for President Barack Obama's goal of reaching a peace deal and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's hope of having the foundations of the future state ready."

Recognizing Palestine at this time would not be a positive thing for peace in the Middle East.  The Palestinians want their state in the lands Israel captured in the Mideast 1967 war--the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem.  There is no legal precedent in the world for requiring a soverign nation to give up half of its capital to form another nation (particularly one that is hostile to it!).

The article points out:

"The Palestinians appear to have a majority in the General Assembly, but are unlikely to get the go-ahead in the Security Council.

"The U.S. routinely vetoes measures Israel considers hostile, and the U.S. House of Representatives last week passed a resolution "condemning unilateral measures to declare or recognize a Palestinian state."

"Israeli officials have called the recognition declarations meaningless and counterproductive to the peace process. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposes withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines, though he says he remains committed to negotiating a partition of the land."

I would be willing to see a Palestinian State if that state would publicly affirm the right of Israel to exist.  Until that happens, a Palestinian state would simply be a haven for anti-Israel terrorists in the Middle East.


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