Why We Need To Stop START

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Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. is the president of the Center for Security Policy.  He posted an article at the group's website, Center For Security Policy, today about the START Treaty. 

Mr. Gaffney points out:

"The treaty would leave the Russians with thousands more nuclear weapons than the United States when their ten-to-one advantage in "tactical" arms is factored in.  Moreover, the Kremlin's tactical weapons are mostly modern. Ours are, on average, over thirty-years old; some actually rely on vacuum tubes.  Theirs are deployed forward near our allies and, in some cases, are being moved still closer in order to intimidate America's friends. Meanwhile, our tactical bombs, artillery shells, etc. are no longer deployed aboard Navy ships and many of them are kept in the United States, and therefore are of limited, if any, deterrent value." 

The recent behavior of the Russians should not convince us that they are partners for peace.  Mr. Gaffney further explains:

"New START will allow the Russians to have a say - and what amounts to a veto - over America's defenses against missile attack.   The Russians have said they will withdraw from the treaty if we improve the quantity or quality of our very limited anti-missile capabilities.  That threat will be more than enough to dissuade an Obama administration that has already cut, slowed and refused to deploy U.S. anti-missile programs. 

"Such an arrangement is especially crazy since other dangerous countries that are not parties to New START are building up their ability to attack us and our allies with ballistic missiles (see above).  For example, Iran will soon have a base for such missiles in Venezuela - a new "Cuban Missile Crisis" in the making.  Why should Moscow be able to decide whether we can protect the American people from those missiles?"

This is a treaty negotiated by a President who does not understand that a strong United States is an asset to peace.  When the neighborhood policeman is armed to the teeth, the crime rate in the neighborhood goes down.

Hopefully enough Senators will realize that the treaty as it currently stands is not a good deal for the United States and should not be approved.  This is a lame-duck Congress.  It needs to go home! 

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