Get Your Hands Off My Bake Sale

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One of the aspects of the recently passed Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 is its attack on bake sales and pizza parties in schools.  In an article posted yesterday in the Washington Times by Gabriella Hoffman, Ms. Hoffman points out that Michelle Obama has a law degree--not a degree in nutrition. 

In the article Ms. Hoffman tells parents that they have to step up and take an active role in what their children eat:

"It is imperative that parents reassert their authority over their children's eating habits. When parents educate their kids about what they should and should not eat, there wouldn't be a need for the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Parents are supposed to teach their kids how to eat healthy and stay in shape. They show them what kinds of food to eat and how to manage their portion sizes. They show their kids that a healthy lifestyle is incomplete unless they exercise. When parents neglect their duties, the government swoops in and replaces them--as evidenced by this bill. As a result, parents must set the precedence for healthy eating and exercise habits so the First Lady doesn't have to."

There is a webiste, My food. My choice!, which has been set up to oppose this bill.  The article reports:

"Since the First Lady waged war against bake sales and the like, My Food. My Choice! has vouched for an annual celebration of "National Bake Sale Month" each December. In order to promote free choice while exposing the absurdity of this law, group members intend to celebrate this occasion to show the importance of bake sales for schools under great economic duress."

It's time for parents to reassert their rights.

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