We Need To Stop Government Overreach

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Yesterday the Daily Caller posted an article about the Paycheck Fairness Act, which the Senate will be debating in the lame-duck session next week.  The aim of the bill is to promote 'gender equality' in the workplace. 

According to the article, opposition to the bill is based on the fact that:

"...(the bill) would try to ensure pay equity by restricting employers salary decisions, making it easier to file suit against employers believed to be engaged in sex-bases pay discrimination and requiring businesses to desclose detailed salary information to the government."

The article points out that the Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act already provide protection against gender-based wage discrimination.

The article further points out that the Business Roundtable and The Business Council sent a letter to the Office of Management and Budget Peter Orszag in June citing the Paycheck Fairness Act as legislation that would hurt economic growth and stifle job creation.  According to the article:

"[Paycheck Fairness] would open companies to potentially crippling employment litigation without adding significant benefit to workers, since current law already addresses the discrimination issue," the letter read.

"In spite of the concerns coming from the business community, women's groups, labor organizations, and even the president insist that the Paycheck Fairness Act is essential to ensure that women are treated fairly in the workplace."

If we truly want to see job growth in America, we need to get the government out of businesses.  The Equal Pay Act already addresses this problem, and the fear of lawsuits will hinder any business from hiring.  Business works more efficiently when owners do not have to spend a large portion of their time filling out forms for the government.  We would be better off making sure we enforce the laws already on the books instead of constantly trying to create more laws.



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