I Suspect That The Document Shredding Has Already Begun

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On November 3rd, I posted an article (rightwinggranny.com) about the Republicans already requesting that the Obama Administration not shred documents as they prepare for the transition to a Republican House of Representatives.  Yesterday, Power Line posted an article commenting on the coming investigations.

Paul Mirengoff at Power Line comments that, "In my opinion, the public elected a Republican Congress for the purpose of repealing Democratic legislative excesses, preventing new overreaching legislation, and bringing spending under control. It did not elect a Republican Congress to persecute the executive branch."

Mr. Mirengoff lists the investigations he believes are important to the political health of the country:

The handling of the New Black Panthers voting intimidation case--the Justice Department needs to understand that Congress will not tolerate a double standard of enforcement in Civil Rights Laws.

The appointment of approximately 32 'czars'--the President has placed people in top positions in his administration without the benefit of Senate confirmation.  The confirmation process is there for a reason, President Obama should respect it.

The firing of Gerald Walpin, the inspector general of the Corporation for National and Community Service.  This is a little more significant than an ordinary firing.

The article explains:

"At first glance, the removal of, Gerald Walpin, the inspector general of the Corporation for National and Community Service, may seem insufficiently consequential to justify a backward looking investigation. However, as Stanley Kurtz points out in Radical-in-Chief, Obama included $1.4 billion in the 2011 budget to create a force of government-funded community organizers. His aim is to boost his political program while creating an army of young adherents in the process. The firing of Walpin appears to have an attempt to clear the way for this form of abuse. In this context, it is worthy of investigation by the House."

We don't need a witch hunt.  However, we do need an honest investigation and oversight into those things that have been done by Congress and the Obama Administration that were not Constitutional.

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on November 5, 2010 2:21 PM.

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