Busted By Google

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Haaretz.com is reporting that Google Earth satellite photos from March 22 show extensive construction at several military bases throughout Syria, including at one of the country's three largest missile bases, located 25 kilometers northeast of Damascus, near the city of Adra. 

According to the article:

"The photos show five 11-meter-long missiles (the length of both the Scud B and the Scud C ) at the Adra base. Three are on trucks in a parking lot. Two others are in a training area where 20 to 25 people can be made out along with about 20 vehicles. One of the two missiles appears to be mounted on a mobile launcher; another is on the ground."

Thank God they didn't have Google Earth up and running during the first Gulf War! 

Needless to say, this does not help the prospects for peace in the Middle East.  After the Oslo accord was signed in September 1993, terrorism against Israel by Palestinians increased greatly.  More Israelis were killed by Palestinian terrorists in the five years after the agreement was signed in 1993 than in the fifteen preceding years.  It sounds as if the terrorists are getting ready for a repeat performance.

It is amazing to me that this information could be obtained by anyone with a computer.  This is not the result of the efforts of some great 'super spy'; it is the result of the internet age.  It will be interesting to see if any of this story appears in American newspapers or, if it does, how the American press handles it.

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