A Short Note About Afghanistan

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At about three o'clock eastern daylight savings time, Michael Yon posted the following on Facebook:

"There is more unembedded work to do and I am also prepping to go with U.S. forces in Urozgan. Have gotten many pings from British Army to go with Gurkhas. (Same Gurkhas I went to man-tracking school with in Brunei.) Have done some missions with Gurkhas in Afghanistan during a previous trip, but was not actually embedded with their unit. In light of the invitation, it's hard to turn down the British Army, especially so considering the goodwill Gurkhas have always shown me. In that light, 5 minutes ago I accepted their offer. Am going with Gurkhas."
As previously explained, Michael Yon is a former green beret who has embedded with troops in Afghanistan and Iraq since December 2004.  He is self-funded and writes very honestly about the things he sees.  He was unembedded from Afghanistan this year because of some friction with General McChrystal.  His relationship with General Petraeus is such that he is back there now.  I look forward to his reports regardless of where he is in the country or who his traveling companions are.  I consider him the best source on the war.  I will link to the next article on his website when it appears.

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on October 1, 2010 5:04 AM.

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