Why We Need A New Congress

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We are currently attempting to finish a war in Iraq and trying to win a war in Afghanistan.  Congress has the right to question the military leaders in charge of these wars as it is responsible for funding both wars.  Therefore, it was not a surprise to see General Petraeus, the former villain of the American left, now a hero of the left, being questioned in Congress.  What was surprising, however, was the direction of the questions from one Congresswoman.

YouTube posted a video taken in June of this year of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords expressing her concern to General Petraeus as to 'how green our war effort in Afghanistan was.'  While I appreciate her concern for the environment, I really wonder if that is a valid line of questioning when American soldiers are at risk.  One of the impressive things about the video is the amazing manners of General Petraeus.  He handles the question honestly and respectfully.

In another Congressional oversight hearing in April, Congressman Hank Johnson, commenting on the influx of an additional 8,000 American troops in Guam, told the gathered members of Congress and military officials, "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize."  Admiral Willard, who was being questioned by the Congressional Committe managed to keep a straight face as he stated, "We don't anticipate that." 

As a close relative of a military officer currently on active duty, I have met a lot of our current military.  I have been thoroughly impressed by the character, dedication, poise, intelligence, and manners of our armed forces.  Needless to say, the Congressional committees that periodically question them are lacking in many of these traits. 

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