Remember The Heathcare Promises ?

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Ed Morrissey at Hot Air is reporting today that under Obamacare, over three million senior citizens on Medicare drug plans will have to look for other plans. 

Meanwhile, Associated Press posted an article at Yahoo News which put a positive spin on these changes.

Regardless of how you feel about the changes at Medicare, the fact remains that the promise made was the promise broken. 

There were three main promises made by President Obama when the Healthcare program was debated:

  • It won't increase the deficit
  • It won't raise the cost of health care
  • If you like your current healthcare insurance, you will be able to keep it

Regardless of how you spin it, we are watching all of those promises be broken.  Obviously, you cannot lower the cost of health insurance by adding coverage for millions more people.  If health insurance is run by government bureaucrats, someone has to pay the salaries of those bureaucrats.  Whenever the government overregulates something, consumers lose.  It is becoming very obvious that all the promises made were not going to be kept.

There is about two months left before the Congressional elections.  Please understand that a vote for any Democrat is a vote to continue to implement Obamacare.  As long as the Democrats hold majorities in the House and the Senate, the program will move forward and the new bureaucracy will be created.  If the Republicans take the House, the funding for the new bureaucracy can be stopped and the program delayed until it can be repealed.  I do not see healthcare being repealed while President Obama is still in office, but the damage it will do can be limited.  If you believe that Obamacare is a good program, please google Massachusetts health reform (the prototype for Obamacare) and see what has happened in Massachusetts since it was implemented.  If you love your grandparents, please vote Republican in November.

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