Insanity Is Doing The Same Thing Over and Over And Expecting Different Results

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Today's Boston Herald is reporting that Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick wants to hire Parsons Brinckerhoff - an architect of the Hub highway debacle - to help build the MBTA's Green Line extension.  Governor Patrick has been highly critical of Republican candidate for governor, Charles D. Baker, for his role in the Big Dig fiasco. 

According to the article:

"Like the Big Dig boondoggle, the MBTA project costs have skyrocketed - ballooning from $560 million in 2007 to $954 million - and will miss a legally mandated 2014 deadline."

The Big Dig was completed in December of 2007.  The project was originally estimated to have a $2.8 billion cost.  By the end of 2006, over $14.6 billion had been spent on the Big Dig.  With a cost overrun like that, why would anyone even consider hiring the same company for a major state construction project again ?

To hire the same company and expect a different result is insanity.

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on August 23, 2010 12:40 AM.

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