Homeward Bound

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Today's Washington Examiner posted an Associated Press article today about the last combat troops that are leaving Iraq.  Their combat mission is complete.  There will still be 50,000 American troops in Iraq to be called on if needed and Special Forces to help Iraqis find terrorists.  I am proud of President George Bush for his willingness to complete the mission in the face of the constant criticism of Democrats in Congress (and occasionally some Republicans).  I am proud of the troops that completed the mission and their families for the sacrifices they made.  I am concerned, however, that this is a very small number of troops we are leaving in Iraq.

One of the goals of Iran is to destabilize Iraq.  I fear that because of the small number of troops remaining in Iraq, the Iranians will see an opportunity to create havoc. 

Thank you to all the American (and other) soldiers who secured freedom for Iraq.  The world is a better place without Saddam Hussein.  I hope the people of Iraq will be a stabilizing force for democracy in the Middle East and will be able to enjoy freedom for a long time to come.

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