Fewer Private-Sector Jobs, More Government Jobs

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The question everyone is asking during 'recovery summer' is, "Where are the jobs?"  Well, an awful lot of them are in the federal government.  CNS News reported today on the findings of a Heritage Foundation study:

"The Heritage report also found that government jobs - in addition to being more lucrative - are almost impossible to lose. Despite a national unemployment rate that remained at 9.5 percent, federal employment has grown during the recession.
""Federal employees enjoy job security irrespective of the state of the economy," the study documented. "Since the recession began, federal employment has risen by 240,000 - 12 percent. The unemployment rate for federal employees has only slightly risen from 2.0 percent to 2.9 percent between 2007 and 2009.""

The study also found that:

"On average, federal employees earn 60 percent more than the average private sector employee - $79,000 vs. $50,000 respectively. Add in retirement and health care benefits and that gap grows to 85 percent."

We have come to the point where it is time to start over.  Our federal government is out of control, and our Congressmen and Congresswomen are totally ignoring the voices of the people of America.  I firmly believe that if we do not elect a conservative-leaning Congress in November, we will not see unemployment rates drop below 8 per cent in the future.  There was a time when as Americans we did not have to pay a lot of attention to what our elected officials in Washington were doing.  Those days are gone.  Every American needs to be an informed voter and a government watchdog.  It's time to step up to the plate.

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