A Difficult Museum

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CBN News posted an Associated Press article today about progress being made on a museum to commemorate September 11th.  According to the article:

"The Sept. 11 museum is taking shape 70 feet below ground, a cavernous space that provides an emotionally raw journey and ends at bedrock where huge surviving remnants and spacial voids reveal the scale of the devastation of what once was the World Trade Center."

The design of the museum will be defined by the slurry wall that kept the Hudson River from inundating the Financial District and by other huge artifacts.  The museum is scheduled to open in 2012. 

The article explains:

"Thousands of unidentified remains of 9/11 victims will be stored in the museum, in an area reserved for the medical examiner's office; an adjacent room will be set aside for family members. These areas will be off limits to the public."

I am grateful that the people in charge of this project are making an effort not only to remember those who died that day and respect their loved ones, but to illustrate for the rest of us the enormous size of the tragedy.

Like Pearl Harbor, this is a site that is hallowed ground and needs to be treated as such.

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