Just Because Something Is Legal Doesn't Make It Right

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Yesterday's Wall Street Journal posted an article by John Fund about what is likely to happen in Congress if the Democrats lose their majority in the House of Representatives in November.  It's not a pretty picture.

Mr. Fund points out that the Democrats will leave Washington a week earlier than usual (July 30) and will not return until September.  This gives them little time to pass any meaningful legislation before they leave.  While some of us think that is a good thing, there are rumblings that a lame-duck session after the election could be used to pass a number of laws very unpopular with the American people. 

Some of the things being looked at for the session after the election--card check, cap and trade, dramatic tax increases (if the Bush tax cuts are not extended, there will be a dramatic tax increase on January 1, 2011, without Congress doing anything!), and lots of big spending projects.

Mr. Fund reports that one Senate aid told him that many of the big 'pork spenders' are leaving Congress this year, and see a lame-duck session as a 'last hurrah' for pork spending.  Generally the Congressional plan is to disregard the wishes of the American people they are supposed to represent and go after any pet projects they might have.

Mr. Fund concludes:

"Many Democrats insist there will be no dramatic lame-duck agenda. But a few months ago they also insisted the extraordinary maneuvers used to pass health care wouldn't be used. Desperate times may be seen as calling for desperate measures, and this November the election results may well make Democrats desperate."

Please remember that at this moment there is no such thing as a moderate Democrat.  As long as the Democrats in Congress are represented by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, the total disregard of the wishes of the American people will continue.

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