What Does This Actually Solve?

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Yesterday, Breitbart.com posted an article about President Obama's lastest speech regarding the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  According to the article:

"Seeking opportunity in a crisis, Obama argued for action in Congress as crews struggled into a seventh week to contain BP's mangled oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. He urged lawmakers to shift the tax-break money toward clean-energy research and approve a major energy bill, now stalled in the Senate, that would slap a price on carbon emissions. "

Meanwhile, marshlands in Louisiana are possibly permanently damaged, and the oil spill threatens the tourist industry in the Southeast.  This is pure opportunism.  This administration believes any crisis can be used to increase taxes or costs of living on every American.  Do they honestly believe that a tax hike on the oil companies will not be passed on to the consumer? 

The fact is that our economy runs on carbon fuel.  Since the environmentalists have closed down much of the easily accessible oil, we are forced to drill in places where drilling is difficult and not totally without risk.  Maybe it's time to reconsider ANWR.

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