What Happened In The Gulf????

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Charles Krauthammer posted a very interesting commentary at Townhall.com yesterday about the oil rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico.  He points out that the first question asked should be, "Why are we drilling in 5,000 feet of water in the first place?"

One of the things not often mentioned is that the environmentalist movement has forced us into that position.  The environmentalist movement has successfully placed the Pacific and nearly all the Atlantic coast off-limits to oil production.   Mr. Krauthammer points out that we have had a ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for thirty years--a place where oil is close to the surface and the risk of environmental destruction would be minimal.  Mr. Krauthammer states that we have pushed the drilling from barren areas to populated areas, from the remote wilderness to a center of fishing, shipping, tourism and recreation.  This has been done, oddly enough, as a result of environmentalists' actions. 

In terms of the President's response, Mr. Krauthammer concludes:

"...We expect our presidents to play Superman. Helplessness, however undeniable, is no defense.

"Moreover, Obama has never been overly modest about his own powers. Two years ago next week, he declared that history will mark his ascent to the presidency as the moment when "our planet began to heal" and "the rise of the oceans began to slow."

"Well, when you anoint yourself King Canute, you mustnt be surprised when your subjects expect you to command the tides."

We need to keep in mind that oil spills will happen.  We also need to think about making drilling as safe as possible and making sure we do it where we are capable of solving any problems that may arise. 

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