The Art Of The Trojan Horse

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Ed Morrissey reports at Hot Air today about a provision in the financial reform bill that would allow the Federal Trade Commission to begin to regulate Internet transactions. 

The article points out:

"This has become a pattern with this Congress and administration. Despite having large majorities in both chambers, Democrats refuse to use the legislative path to pass regulation -- mainly because the regulations they want are too radical to pass. Instead, they shift the creation of regulation to agencies like the EPA and its "endangerment" finding for CO2, which would then require Congress and the President to undo rather than vote to impose in the first place."

Mr. Morrissey further points out:

"Even considering that pattern, this is something out of the ordinary. Neither the FTC nor the Internet had anything to do with the Wall Street meltdown in 2008.  If this financial-regulation bill is so desperately needed, why did House Democrats lard it up with this power grab at the FTC?  Why does the FTC need any further authority over the Internet, where fraud and abuse regulations apply already?   The Internet economy has been one of the bright spots throughout a dismal period of recent history.  Do we need to attack the one area that shows growth and promise?"

The loser in this type of transaction (other than the American people) is the U. S. Constitution.  It's time to elect leaders who will uphold the Constitution, not find new and unusual ways to circumvent it.

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