The Arizona-Philadelphia Connection

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The Philadelphia Daily News posted an article today comparing the new immigration law in Arizona to an executive order that went into effect in Philadelphia in November.  The article is written by Stu Bykofsky who ends it with these words:

"A later amendment (to the Arizona law) makes it clear that questioning can follow only a "lawful stop, detention or arrest." Example: A stop for a traffic violation where even a white gringo like me must produce ID."

The first thing a policeman asks for when he stops you for any reason is your license and registration.  Americans routinely show identification to buy liquor or cigarettes, to board airplanes, to be admitted to certain clubs, and to be admitted to x-rated movies.  It really is not drastic to ask someone stopped for a reason to produce valid ID.

I am sure many of the illegals in Arizona are simply hard workers looking for a better life, but unfortunately they also include drug dealers, gang members and other undesirables.  We have the right to keep the criminals out of our country.  Unfortunately, checking ID's and closing the border are the only logical ways to do that.

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