More Results From The Law Of Unintended Consequences

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Remember being told that if the healthcare reform bill passed, those of us who like their current health insurance would be allowed to keep it?  Well, maybe.  Power Line reported yesterday on some of the information in the subpoenaed documents supplied to Congress by AT&T, Verizon, and other companies.  Remember that when AT&T released information on how much the healthcare reform bill would cost them as a company, Democratic Representatives Henry Waxman and Bart Stupak scheduled a hearing for the corporate officials of these companies to testify.  The hearings were cancelled when someone explained to the Representatives that the SEC required the companies to release the information at the time it was released.  But the documents were forwarded. 

The opening sentence of the Power Line article states:

"Fortune senior editor Shawn Tully covers some of the deep secrets of Obamacare found in the corporate documents subpoenaed by Democratic Reps. Henry Waxman and Bart Stupak. In the words of the headline: "Documents reveal AT&T, Verizon, others, thought about dropping employer-sponsored benefits." "

In simple terms, this means that as the healthcare reform takes effect, companies may decide that it is cheaper to pay the fine for not insuring workers than it is to insure them.  At this point, a large number of people will be dumped into the federal healthcare system, and we will begin to see the beginning of the end of private health insurance.  This is stealth national health insurance.

November 2010 is approaching fast.  We need to vote out of office anyone who voted to end our private health insurance by supporting the healthcare reform bill.  The bill needs to be repealed and replaced by something that would actually lower costs and help Americans who have good health insurance keep the policies they have.  Remember REPEAL AND REPLACE will only be possible with a new Congress.

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