Beware The Spin

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The elections are over; the spin begins.  Real Clear Politics posted a story yesterday about the White House spin on yesterday's elections.  The spin is "it's and anti-incumbent year--incumbents of both parties are being voted out of office."  Well, maybe, maybe not.

Jay Cost, who wrote the article, points out:

"...Arlen Specter is probably going to lose today. If that happens, Snarlin' Arlen will make the fourth high-profile pol that Barack Obama embraced in friendship who was later rebuked by the voters of a blue or purple state. Deeds, Corzine, Coakley, Specter. The White House doesn't want this "narrative" to get out - so they're pushing this alternative instead."

There was a time during the Clinton Administration when every person Bill Clinton campaigned for lost.  It seems as if the Obama Administration is running into the same problem.  The only good news for the Democrats yesterday was that they held John Murtha's congressional seat, but even that is a mixed blessing.   Mark Critz, the Democrat candidate, ran on a platform of opposing the healthcare reform bill (but stating that he is not going to work to repeal it); he claimed to be pro-life and pro-gun.  I wonder if he will be able to keep those stands after he arrives in the House of Representatives.

This sets up the kind of scenario we will see played out in the southern part of America this November if 'blue dog' Democrats plan to run for re-election.  The Democrats took over the House by running candidates who appeared to be conservative Democrats.  When these Democrats got to Washington, they elected Nancy Pelosi as Speaker and turned sharply left.  Many of them have resigned and those remaining will have a hard time being re-elected.  A Democrat who runs as a conservative and votes liberal will probably be a one-term Congressman.

The sentiment recently expressed by voters is not 'anti-imcumbent'--it is more 'get your hands off my pocketbook and your nose out of my life--it is not the government's business how much my children weigh!'  It should be an interesting November.

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