A Slightly Different Perspective

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The information for this story comes from articles at CBN News and Examiner.com about the ousting of Senator Bob Bennett from the Utah Republican Primary Election for the Senate.  Senator Bennett had been in the Senate for three terms.  He was defeated at the state's Republican convention.  The Tea Party movement claims credit for his defeat.

There are a few things that have not been mentioned often in the major media outlets.  According to the Examiner:

"Immigration played a role in his defeat as he had supported comprehensive immigration reform that included amnesty from identity theft and a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens."

Senator Bennett had also voted for two bailout programs and attempted a bi-partisan healthcare reform bill.  According to CBN News:

""Looking back on them, with one or two very minor exceptions, I wouldn't have cast any of them any differently," Bennett said. "Even if I had known at the time they were going to cost me my career.""

My comment on that statement is very simple.  When the Founding Fathers put together the government of America, they did not want Congress to become a career.  The plan was that ordinary citizens would come to Washington, serve in Congress for a few years, then return to their states and live under the laws that they had passed.  This is the principle we need to rediscover.

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