The Clear and Present Danger Of Being Friends With America

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Today's Washington Post posted an article by Charles Krauthammer with his observations on the foreign policy of the Obama Administration during their first year (or so) in office.  When you list all of it, it really doesn't seem to make much sense.

We begin with the return of the bust of Winston Churchill bust to Britain.  Mr. Krauthammer suggests that it simply could have been moved elsewhere rather than shipped home.  It has gotten worse.  Last month, Hillary Clinton suggested that Britian return the Falkland Islands to Argentina.  Mr. Krauthammer details the history:

"In 1982, Argentina's military junta invaded the (British) Falkland Islands. The generals thought the British, having long lost their taste for foreign lands, would let it pass. Besides, the Falklands have uncountably more sheep than people. They underestimated Margaret Thatcher (the Argentines, that is, not the sheep). She was not about to permit the conquest of a people whose political allegiance and ethnic ties are to Britain. She dispatched the navy. Britannia took it back."

First of all, the allegiance of the residents is to Britain.  They choose not be a part of the uncertainties of politics and political fortunes in Argentina.  Second of all, why in the world would we comment on a twenty-plus-year-old event that did not effect us?  It's almost as if we are picking a fight.

President Obama reneged on our promise to Poland and the Czech Republic to provide them with a missile shield (not to mention that the missile shield would boost our national security also).  In Honduras we supported a would-be dictator rather than uphold their constitution.  He is visiting China and Indonesia and not visiting India (an ally).  President Obama may be conducting foreign policy, but I am not sure it is American foreign policy.   

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