Some Good News From Washington, D. C.

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CNET reported today that a Washington, D. C. federal appeals court has ruled that the Federal Communications Commission has no right to impose Net neutrality on internet providers.  The court ruled that "because the FCC "has failed to tie its assertion" of regulatory authority to any actual law enacted by Congress, the agency does not have the authority to regulate an Internet provider's network management practices."

The reaction by Congress was predictable.  Generally speaking, Republicans supported the ruling, opting for less government regulation of the internet, and Democrats opposed the ruling, suggesting that the internet be put under the type of regulations used on landlines.  These regulations would include price regulation, service quality controls, and technological mandates.

If you are over the age of 40, you might remember that radio as an money-making business blossomed after the 'fairness doctrine' was removed about twenty years ago.  The removal of that federal regulation allowed talk radio to find a home on the AM band and totally revived the AM band.  If you want to see growth in an industry, remove the heel of government from its throat.  It will grow.  We need some basic regulations to keep things honest, but generally speaking, government has overreached and impeded economic growth rather than encouraged it.


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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on April 6, 2010 7:45 PM.

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