Our Relationship With Israel

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Dennis Prager posted an opinion piece in the Washington Examiner today about the relationship between America and Israel under the Obama Administration.  Mr. Prager points out that only 9 percent of Jewish Israelis believe that the Obama Administration is more pro-Israel than pro-Palestinian. 

There are a few things we need to remember about Israel.  Israel votes with us at the United Nations more often than any other nation.  Israel also provides us with new technology and and intelligence.  Israel shares the ideals of the founders of America.  A rift between America and Israel does not further the cause of peace in the Middle East--it simply emboldens the enemies of freedom to act against Israel because they do not fear American retaliation.  As Iran has become a major threat to Middle East peace, the weakening of Israel (and the weakening of the Israel-American alliance) simply will embolden Iran.  Lastly, there are many conservative Christians in America who believe the Book of Genesis in the Bible when it says, "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."

If you look at modern history, you can see examples of this Biblical truth.  England lost its empire after it reneged on the Balfour Declaration of 1917 (which was supposed to establish the State of Israel and the State of Palestine (in Trans-Jordan).  Germany was divided and economically cripped for a generation or more after Kristallnacht.  The parts of the Arab world that today are focused on hating Israel today are, for the most part, living centuries behind the rest of the world.  With the vast natural resources they have (oil, etc.), what is hindering their progress?

I for one do not want to see America abandon its alliance with Israel.  Whether or not you believe the Bible, I see nothing to be gained by testing this particular verse.  Ignoring the Biblical advice, we need to be friends with Israel just as a practical matter.  They have been good friends for a long time; we don't need to desert them as their enemies grow stronger.

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