$ 670 Billion In New Taxes Enacted By The Obama Administration

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On April 14, the Republicans on the Ways and Means Committee posted a chart of all the new taxes that have been enacted by the Obama Administration.  The chart is a pdf file that can be found at Republicans.WaysandMeansCommittee.  It details all the increased taxes passed by President Obama and Congress since he took office.  A look at the chart easily explains why the Tea Parties exist!  Many of these taxes will go unnoticed because they are placed on corporations.  Any tax placed on a corporation is generally passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices for the product.  As consumers, we notice that the price of some things goes up, but we don't necessarily understand that it is because of a federal tax.

Meanwhile, according to The Hill yesterday, the President joked at a fundraiser that the Tea Parties should be thanking him for his tax cuts.  There are an awful lot of people who just filed their tax returns yesterday who might not agree with that statement.

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