What Happens Next To Healthcare ?

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I know it passed, and I apologize for the fact that we are still going to be talking about the healthcare reform bill for some time.  Today, the editors at National Review posted a really good analysis of where we are and where we go from here.

The editors point out what is obvious to many of the voters:

"Almost nothing about this legislation is free of dispute, but we are convinced that it will increase taxes, increase premiums, and increase debt, while decreasing economic growth, job growth, and the quality of health care."

The editors also point out that during the Presidential campaign, President Obama pledged not to force people to buy health insurance and not to tax their healthcare benefits.  Both promises will be broken when he signs the healthcare reform bill.  He has also broken the promise of bipartisanship--the only bipartisanship was against the bill! 

The article points out that repeal of the entire bill is not likely--the closing of the 'doughnut hole' in senior citizens drug benefits will probably be with us forever.  It is possible, however, as the unpleasant aspects of the bill become apparent, Congress will be pressured to undo them.  I wonder about that, though, considering the amount of pressure that was put on Congress not to pass the bill. 

The only way the Republicans gain anything by the passage of this awful bill is to promise not only to repeal it, but to replace it with something that will actually work and actually save the taxpayers of America money.  Unfortunately, the next 'big thing' to come down the pike will be an immigration reform package that will make all illegals legal and then put them on government healthcare.  This will, in fact, backrupt the country.  The only logical reason to make illegals legal is to have them pay into Social Security (with the hope of delaying the demise of the system).  That is a true ponzi scheme and hopefully Americans will be smart enough and loud enough to stop it!

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