Is This Any Way To Treat Your Friends ?

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Yesterday's London Times posted a more complete report of the recent visit of Israeli President Binyamin Netanyahu to the United States.  To say that President Netanyahu was treated poorly is an understatement.  The article relates that:

"In their meeting Mr Obama set out a number of expectations that Israel was to satisfy if it wanted to end the crisis, Israeli sources said. These included an extension of the freeze on Jewish settlement growth beyond the 10-month deadline next September, an end to Israeli building projects in east Jerusalem, and even a withdrawal of Israeli forces to positions that they held before the Second Intifada in September 2000, after which they re-occupied most of the West Bank."

To act as if the Israelis are dealing with a 'peace process' with a country that actually wants peace is to deny reality.  First of all, we need to remember that before the 1967 war, there was not a cry for a 'Palestinian State.'   My favorite quote on this subject is from Walid Shoebat, a former terrorist, who states, "Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?"  During the time that Jordan, Egypt, and other countries controlled the land that the Arabs want as 'Palestine', there was never a cry for a Palestinian state.  A two-state solution is a wonderful goal if both states want a peaceful two-state solution.  The actions of the people calling for the state of Palestine do not back up that idea. 

The actions of President Obama in dealing with President Netanyahu were incredibly rude and unproductive.  Israel has been our best ally in the Middle East.  Why are we condemning our ally for building in its own capital while ignoring the progress Iran is making toward nuclear weapons?  We are sending Iran a message that we will not defend Israel when they are ready to attack--much like to misunderstanding that led to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait--because of a conversation with an American diplomat, the Iraqis concluded that if they invaded Kuwait, we would not interfere--so they did it!  President Obama is playing a dangerous game when he treats the President of Israel as badly as he treated President Netanyahu.

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