The Sleight Of Hand In The Torture Debate

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By now we are all tired of hearing about legal briefs and torture, water boarding and torture, American security and torture, etc., but there is one more thing we all need to be aware of before our eyes glaze over.  Andrew McCarthy at National Review Online points out that in addition to politicizing the issue of interrogation of terrorists, the Obama Administration has just approved the same recommendations they condemned the Bush Administration for.

Lately, we have been hearing about the case of John Demjanjuk.  According to the article:

"...John Demjanjuk, a Nazi collaborator who has been fighting his removal from the United States for years. In a last gasp, Demjanjuk now claims, under the CAT, that his extradition would violate U.S. and international torture law. Given his advanced age, failing health, and expectations of abuse, he contends that extradition to Germany for trial and incarceration will cause him severe pain and suffering."

CAT is the United Nations Convention Against Torture.  The article further states:

"On April 23 of this year, only a day after Holder -- taking his lead from the president -- promised to investigate Bybee, Yoo, and other government lawyers, the Justice Department filed a brief in a case called Demjanjuk v. Holder in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Ohio. The brief urges the federal courts to consider the same torture analysis over which Holder is targeting the Bush lawyers with such fanfare. You can read the brief here. [A PDF will have to do: After discussing the Justice Department's hypocrisy on NRO's Off the Page, I can no longer locate the brief on the site where I first found it on Sunday.]"

Please read the entire National Review article.  It is very technical, but gives good insight into how political even our national security has become.  We are entering a place that is not good for the security and integrity of our country. 

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