Why Is This Person Testifying Before Congress?

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According to today's Washington Times, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., testified before Congress yesterday that he thinks hog farmers are a greater threat to Americans than Osama bin Laden.  Robert Kennedy (son of the late Robert F. Kennedy) is an environmental law attorney who was testifying before a House Judiciary subcommittee yesterday when he was asked about a quote attributed to him.  He replied that he wasn't sure if the quote was accurate,but that he agreed with it.

Evidently, Mr. Kennedy has been involved in various legal efforts against the meat industry over the years.  According to the article:

"Mr. Kennedy has said that he plans to go after all large farms in the country, not just pork producers. He has also said that the "right" lawsuit against livestock producers can bring damage awards of up to $13 billion."

Why is this man attacking farmers?  I don't know if Mr. Kennedy is a vegetarian or not, but it seems odd to go after the people who supply America's food.  I'm really not into tofu (although I realize it is very healthy), and I don't want my government cutting off my food supply for my own good.  There seems to be no end to the idea of the nanny state! 


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