But, Mom, I Did Close The Door (After I Let The Cat Out)

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According to ABC News, it seems as if the best way to deal with people who don't pay their income taxes is to let them know they are being considered for public office at the federal level.  Former Senator Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., nominated to be President Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services, has paid off taxes he 'overlooked' previously.  During the vetting process to become HHS secretary, Daschle corrected his tax violations, voluntarily paying $101,943 in back taxes plus interest, working with his accountant to amend his tax returns for 2005 through 2007.  Those numbers represent a pretty large 'overlook'.  Does he need a new accountant?

This is the same tactic used by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.  After he was nominated for the office of Treasury Secretary, he paid the taxes he owed and apologized for not paying them.  I guess my questions is, "If he had not been nominated for Treasury Secretary, would he have paid his taxes?"  The same question applies to Tom Daschle. 


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