What First Amendment?

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There is a posting at CNSNEWS (I had a lot of trouble linking to their website, hopefully whatever problem there was is fixed by now)regarding the dustup about the misquote of Rush Limbaugh last week.  If you listen to the whole quote, what Rush essentially said is that he hoped that if Barack Obama's policies were socialist, they would fail.  There was nothing in the quote saying that he wished failure for Barack Obama.  He further stated that his wish was for the success of America.  If you listen to the network news, that was not the quote you heard.  Well, the Democrats know a political opportunity when they see one, and their view of opposition is that it needs to be silenced.

The Democrats have launched an online website where anyone can express their outrage at the comments of Rush Limbaugh.  Why?  Isn't he entitled to an opinion just as everyone else?  He has earned his place in the political discourse, and to use a misquote to try to discredit him is dishonest and unAmerican.  Where was the website to express outrage at the comments of Jeremiah Wright or William Ayers?

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