I Love Political Logic

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According to an article in The Sun Chronicle an Attleboro, Massachusetts, newspaper, while the state of Massachusetts is facing a $1 billion budget deficit, state lawmakers will be receiving a 5.5 per cent pay raise.  It's an automatic pay raise based on the increase in median household income over the past two years, and because it is based on median income, in two years, their salary will probably go down. 

Some of the representatives have said that they will give the money to charity.  State Represetative Betty Poirier said that she fears that if she refuses the raise, the state will spend it in a wasteful way, so she will be giving it to charities in her district.

I object.  Why not give the money to the taxpayers where it came from?  Charity is a wonderful thing, but how about some charity for those of us who work for a living.  We pay our bills and if you are a middle income family, your tax burden is ridiculous.  Massachusetts missed its chance in November for a taxpayer revolt, but this kind of thinking will cause one in the not too distant future.

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