J Street In The Obama Administration

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According to the J Street website"

"J Street is the political arm of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement.

J Street was founded to promote meaningful American leadership to end the Arab-Israeli and Palestinian-Israel conflicts peacefully and diplomatically. We support a new direction for American policy in the Middle East and a broad public and policy debate about the U.S. role in the region."

I'm always a little suspicious about people trying to bring peace betwen Palestine and Israel.  I guess my question is this:  Right now, Israel has nukes and Palestine doesn't, and two countries exist.  If Palestine had nukes and Israel didn't, how many countries would exist?

According to the American Thinker J Street now has a number of people close to George Soros in key positions.  Morton Haleprin is on the advisory council of J Street.  He is described as a former Director of Policy Planning at the State Department.  His current employment is not mentioned.  He is also George Soros's top aide and now serves as the Director of US Advocacy at the Open Society Institute: George Soros multi-billion dollar activists group.

The article at American Thinker also mentions other groups that are coming into prominence as the Obama Administration forms.  Much has been made about the 'wonderful' middle of the road choices Obama has made to fill various positions in his administration.  My concern is the people in the second and third tier appointments that may be hired under the radar.  I believe that America's continued support of Israel is an important positive part of our foreign policy.  To undermine that support would be a mistake on multiple levels. 

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