Israel's Forever War

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When Israel was declared a nation in 1948, the first thing her neighbors did was attack her.  Things have not changed a whole lot since then.  The war in the Middle East (and the war on terror--both are related) is a propaganda war as well as a ground and air war.  When Palestine was actually given to the Jewish people after the San Remo Conference in 1920, the amount of land they were given was about three times what it is now.  About two thirds of that land was later taken from the Jews and given to Trans-Jordan.  The Jewish people have never really occupied all of the land they were given by the League of Nations after World War I.  Since the British left Israel, the neighboring countries have waged an unending military and propaganda war against Israel to rid her of the land she does hold. 

Palestinian children are taught that the Jews are occupiers of Palestinian land and need to be killed.  I hate to be a pessimist, but the two-state solution will not work if one of the states wants to destroy the other one.  The only way to establish peace between Israel and Hamas is to destroy Hamas before they destroy Israel.

Speaking of the propaganda war, the Israeli Defense Forces are opening up a new front in that war.  There are a number of videos on YouTube that have been blocked at various times today.  Commentary Magazine has a link to one of the videos, plus the stories about the videos being blocked on YouTube.

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We the people do not want to see any kind of war, the Israel and the Palestanin should draw a good relationship between them so that this review regarding the previous history of the distribution of the land and formed the today's Israel.

Neighboring countries have launched an endless army against Israel, it really is terrible .. Review

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