Why Honest Elections Matter

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Norm Coleman had a 700+ vote lead Thursday.  That lead is now down to 236 votes.  That's interesting.  Newsbusters has an article that points out that the people overseeing the recount are deeply involved with ACORN. 

The quote to keep in mind is from an article the original article links to.  The concept is very simple.

"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." - Joseph Stalin


I wish I could say that I was fully confident that the recount would be handled honestly, but I am not.  I expect to wake up one morning in the near future to hear that boxes of ballots mysteriously appeared, and Al Franken is now a Senator.  It would be a national disgrace to put that man in the Senate, but if the people of Minnesota cast enough votes for him to make it even close, they deserve whatever they get!

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