We Need To Be Aware Of Anything That Threatens Free Speech

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There has been a lot of talk recently that if Barack Obama got elected, he would reinstate the "Fairness Doctrine" which demands that any political speech on radio or TV has to be balanced equally on both sides.  Needless to say, this is a nightmare to enforce and generally kills any political free speech.  When Ronald Reagan dissolved the Fairness Doctrine in the 1980's talk radio was born.  Since talk radio tends to be conservative, there are people on the liberal end of the political spectrum who would like to see it go away.  A reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine would do that.  The reinstatement would also be a violation of the First Amendment, which protects free speech, particularly political speech.  Anyway, the rumors are flying--but there's another idea on the horizon.

According to the American Thinker, there is a move toward a 'localism rule' which would put all radio stations under the control of local advisory boards.  A lot of this is way over my head, but the bottom line is that someone is trying to control what we hear.  Please read the article in the American Thinker, and pay attention.  We may all have to listen to talk radio on the internet now, and some of those sites may be blocked.  It may get very interesting before it gets better.

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