Who Is John Galt?

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According to Scott Johnson at Power Line, John Galt is someone who made a credit card contribution to Barack Obama's campaign.  If you read ATLAS SHRUGGED by Ayn Rand, you might have a different opinion.  You might also check out Mark Steyn's post at National Review Online which explains that the organization taking credit cards has to modify the security settings in order for these donations to get past security checks on the cards.  The amount of campaign finance fraud and voter registration fraud in the Obama campaign is staggering.

At a further post from Mark Steyn at National Review Online:

As the Powerline reader has noted, if "John Galt" of "Ayn Rand Lane" attempts a contribution at the McCain campaign, it gets rejected. Which is just as well. If the Republican candidate's website were intentionally set up to facilitate fraudulent donations, it would be on the front page of The New York Times. But, as it's King Barack the Spreader, we can rest assured the crack investigative units will be too preoccupied with Governor Palin's shoes over the next two weeks.

We have two weeks to decide whether we want the Chicago political machine to take over the entire country.

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