Robin Hood Goes To Washington

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If you haven't seen the video of the Ohio plumber, please check it out--it is included in the link to The New York Post listed below.   Obama said he would raise taxes on the plumber in order to 'spread the wealth around'.  Keep in mind that this is an average working man, this is not Donald Trump.  There is an article at Power Line that discusses the history of America's relationship with taxes.  There is also an article in The New York Post that includes the video of the plumber talking to Barack Obama.  Remember, a lot of the people Obama is saying he will cut taxes for don't pay taxes.  What he wants to do, essentially, is redistribute wealth without poorer people having to work for it.  What is the lesson taught in that?  If you don't work very hard, eventually you will get more money from someone who does.  If you do work very hard, you will not be able to keep what you earn.  If you go back to the history of the Pilgrims in Massachusetts, you will read that originally the pilgrims had a situation where all the land was held and farmed in common.  They almost starved to death before they allotted every family a plot of land and allowed them to prosper in accordance with their efforts.  After they began individual ownership, the people grew more crops and prospered.

The danger point in all this is that at some point the number of people not paying taxes who receive money from the government will be greater than the number of people who are working and pay taxes. 

Just for your information, this is the current situation. The overwhelming majority of federal income taxes are paid by the very highest income earners. The top 1% of income earners pay about 32% of all income taxes. The top 5% pays 51.4%. The top 10% of high income earners, pay 63.5%. The top 20% of income earners pays 78% of all federal income taxes

Since the people who do not work have the same right to vote as the people who do work, this could lead to some very ugly things.  Please read ATLAS SHRUGGED.  My parting words are "Who is John Galt?".

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on October 15, 2008 12:52 PM.

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