Ohio Voting To Continue Without Further Checks

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The Supreme Court has backed the Ohio Secretary of State in not forcing her to set up a system to verify voters in the state by checking with motor vehicle registrations and social security numbers.  The reason given for not forcing voter verification was the fact that the suit was filed by the GOP and probably did not comply with the law.  At any rate, according to Breitbart.com about 200,000 voters of the 666,000 who have registered since January 1 have names that do not match up with other records.  Needless to say, a lot of these voters were registered by ACORN.  That number means that one out of every three votes cast in this election by new voters in Ohio may be fraudulent.  I hope we can take some serious steps to remedy this sort of situation if not before this election, before the next one.  I think we have reached the point in time where some form of voter identification system is necessary.

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