The Beltway Boys

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I watch the Beltway Boys on Fox every Saturday.  I used to watch the McLaughlin Report, but when Eleanor Clift called our soldiers 'mercenaries', I stopped watching.  I am the daughter of a man who landed on Utah Beach on D-Day, the wife of a Vietnam-era veteran, and the proud mother of a Marine.  None of these men are (or were) mercenaries--they loved their country and proudly served (and still serve) it well. 

Anyway,I like Fred Barnes and I like Mort Kondrake.  Generally I think they try to be fair and to give their honest opinions.  It's an opinion show--they are entitled to their opinions.  However--when Mort referred (on the air) to Sarah Palin as 'that wacko right winger', I was offended.  Has he ever referred to Barack Obama as 'that wacko left winger'?  Barack Obama worked as a community organizer with ACORN--you know, that organization that registered fifteen thousand voters in one of our western states, and three of the names turned out to be legal.  That may be a slight exaggeration of what actually happened, but it's not too far off.  That opens up the discussion of the need for voter id of some sort, but that's for later.  Again, The Beltway Boys is an opinion show, and they are entitled to express their opinions, but aren't these the same people who complain about the level of public discourse?  Be careful what you say on the air, please.

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