Just A Thought

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The campaign for President seems a little crazy right now.  I'm not even going to deal with the silliness with lipstick on a pig or a pit bull or the abortion comment, but I do have an observation.  Barack Obama seems to be more interested in running against Sarah Palin than in running against John McCain.  The Palin effect seems to have unnerved him.  He reminds me of a baby chick--if you help a baby chick hatch, it will die, because in hatching it develops the strength it needs to survive.  Barack Obama has never run against a strong opponent before--he managed to force any strong opponent out of the race through scandal or questioning signatures until the opposition gave up.  He never reached an actual campaign where he fought a strong opponent.  I think his success in forcing his opponents out of the race before they had a chance is hurting him now.  He has no idea how to run a successful campaign against a strong opponent.

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This page contains a single entry by Granny G published on September 10, 2008 8:05 PM.

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