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How is it that Sarah Palin has no experience, but has accomplishments, and Barack Obama has experience, but no accomplishments?  There is an article at Townhall.com talking about the difference in the background and experience of the two candiddates.  It is interesting that generally the media is contrasting her to Barack Obama, not to Joe Biden.  Knowing Joe Biden's love for the spotlight, it's going to be interesting to see what he does to change that.

Just a thought--what impact does growing up in Alaska have on a person's world view?  You live close to nature and in harmony with nature (if you're not in harmony with nature, you may not survive).  You would have to develop common sense, self reliance, independence, and a survival instinct to deal with the winters.  I think, also, that if you made the choice to live there, you would have or develop a deep love and respect for nature.

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