Energy Independence

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The need for energy independence is becoming more apparent with Ahmadinejad threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz (40% of the world's oil passes through that Strait) and the Soviets invading Georgia (coincidentally the location of a major pipeline supplying oil to western countries).  The Energy Information Administration's website has the statistics on America's energy use and production since the 1950's.  I was surprised that we get 49% of our oil from the Western Hemisphere.  The site is interesting reading.


I'm not going to comment directly on what is happening in Georgia other that to note two things.  First, if the UN were capable of acting in support of a democratic republic, this would not be an issue, and second, for anyone into conspiracy theories, with attention on the Olympics and the Russian attack on George, watch Iran (Hezbollah) for some sort of sleight of hand.  That is a prediction strictly due to my suspicious nature.

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